Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dinner at Kampung Bukit Tinggi! & Genting

19th June 2009

This restaurant is located quite deep inside when you turn into Kampung Bukit Tinggi.

This restaurant is not very big but the air flow is quite smooth there,so it is not very warm eating there.

What do you want?

Paparazzi from Segambut!

Hehehe.....very happy coz got nice foods!

TeaLeaf from China!

Mmmmm......very satisfied!

Soap full of Prawn's brain!

It proof that the food here is very nice and fresh!

Sometimes he will looks serious!

Describing the food!

I don't believe what you said!

Its truth la.....!

After dinner,we decided to go up Genting to get some cooling!

This is where we parked!

Tourist from China!

Yeah!!!I got the Jackpot!Can buy Mazda 6!!!!!!

Although just finished dinner,but still cannot stand on tasty food!

2 different faces.Happy & ....!

Coffee Latte!

Bill please!It is calculated wrongly!

Cafe Mocha!

Hot lemon tea!

Tea Boh!

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