A Very Challenging Day At RRI

Our friend first full-sus bike!!!Told you to get it earlier.......now u understand my advised!!!!

The main entrance of RRI........its a very long slope!!!!

First R&R of our journey!!!Actually it started to rain when we are up at the top of the hill,so we are forced to take a shelter here!!!!

We decided to leaved the first R&R after a while,so this is where we came down from the first R&R!

According to Mr.GPS "Robin",this is the way to Subang Airport....and its only 600m from the 2nd R&R!

This is the way to go back from 2nd R&R!But it is still raining heavilly at that time.

Little monkey at 2nd R&R,actullay this is our Mr.GPS......or we might want to change calling him "Sun Wu Hong"- A chinese legendary monkey god!!!!HAHAHA!

This is our front-runner "Steven"......but he is doing "Man Sai" (Ask West) job!!If you know the actor "Loh Kah Ying" you know what im talking about!!!!
Actually this is the 5th R&R because i don't manage to take photo at the 3rd,4th.......!This is the makcik that we met at the R&R.......she is very nice and kind!!!!

Now look at the view from the mountain...........its very cool and nice during the rain!!!!!

Steven is very happy with this place....actually 3 of us are satisfied with this trail!!!!

Don't cry my friend....i know it is going to be end of our journey.......but We Will Be Back!!!!
Don't believe that we can came all the way down from this hill during raining heavilly!!!
This will be our 6th R&R,surrounded with rubber estate!!!
This is where we came from the 5th R&R.......very long and fantastic trail!!Must try it,u will know!
This will be the way to the exit!!!!Robin said this is a very straight track!!!
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