Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Adventure Team...."West..."...haven't decide the name yet!

Batu Dam Challengers!

Derrick,Dylan & Logan

Steven,Dylan & Logan!

The "Satellite Man cum Front-Runner",Steven!

The "Camera Man cum Front-Runner".Derrick! me!!!!

Guess who....our leader "Dylan" is explainning the route!!

The first rest point for us........damn tired.......but still got long way to go guys!!!!

Nice view huh...........first rest point......

Looks very confidence huh............aiya just the beginning only........later you will see!!!!

Guess wat........."The Camera Man".........showing off lah!!!!

Camera Man also wants to take own photo one........handsome leh!!!!!

Oooi......gila ah.........drink the water......wanna die ah!!!!!

The "Leader" is focusing on the journey!!!!!Hehehe!!!!!!

Leader : "Lets go now!!", Team : "Yes,leader!"

Well......well......second rest point.........actually not very far one.....!!!!

Don't be so nervous Steven..........we all know you are the Front-Runner!!!

See.......Derrick is also the Front-Runner.....but he is steady.....hehehe.......V=Victory???Not so soon dude!!!!

Cute ler......This is not Mickey Mouse.......we call it Buddha Hand in chinese!!!!Can eat one!!!

The third rest point........also not very far from previous one.......Leader is explainning the map to us!!!!So Pro huh!!!!
Reaching the fourth rest point!
Little stream!
3 Brothers!!!

Trying to be cool!!!!!Yeakssss!!!!

Look we got you!!!!

Just now not ready lah......So this is the real post!!!

Its a Kong.....its a Hulk....nolah is the Leader "Dylan" huh!!!!

Dylan's bike......Jamis !!!

Not V again......still got long way to go dude!!! sensored.......the naughtiest "Camera Man!"

The "Camera Man cum Front-Runner" bike......Friends!!!!

Happy Family....!!!!!

No way dude.........showing off again!!!

The X-Files???Don't panic Steven..........just a smoke lah!!!

Washing our bike......fifth rest point!

What the hell is this.........!!!!!Durian lah bodoh...!!!
The final down hill!!!!!

Nice view at the Dam's gate!

Now this is the real V sign!!!!!

Finally.......nothing to say but satisfied!

Big business for Steven!!!!Actually gal business lah!!!

Finally we have conquerd the Batu Dam!!!!

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